Notices may change at any time

The author of The List has actually seen each of these films and bases the films' ranks on his personal opinion.  If the author knows he has seen a film but cannot sufficiently recall it, then the film does not make the list.

Some films, especially from decades ago, contain references, characters, or scenes that may offend some people.  The rank of each film is based solely on the film's entertainment value.  The author of this website is only human, and this noble clinical non-biased critique is not always followed.  For example, the 1942 film Holiday Inn, would have gotten a much higher ranking if not for the extended black-face scene.  The author of this website may not agree with or enjoy every aspect of a film that gets a positive ranking.  The author of this website understands that some movies made in years past were made with an ignorance or even prejudice of society at that time.  This author does not believe in censorship based on uncomfortable expressions of art.  This author believes if such films were made with contemporary understandings, most if not all offensive elements would be excluded.  He believes people, including performers and film makers, should not be condemned for living in a less-enlightened period. 

The Master List contains all promised information, and each weekly posted mini list provides only the information that seems relevant to the topic of the week.  The entire Master List will not be posted for then you would have no reason to visit the website each week (DUH).

The ranking of an individual film may change from time to time when the author reconsiders his opinion,  This usually happens upon reflection or reviewing of the film.  The changing of a film's rank is a rare event.

The information provided on this website is not professionally obtained or verified for accuracy.  This website does not knowingly publish misinformation and welcomes all corrections provided.

All opinions, including film rankings are the sole opinion of the author of this website.